Saturday, August 22, 2009

Mu'umu'u Heaven

Located in Kailua, Mu'umu'u Heaven envisions a new way of making clothes and relating fashion to enviornment. It is a new breed of retailers. Green to the bone.


Debra exuberated with her lifelong committment to recycle. She must love the earth very deeply that she made every effort toward a greener planet by decorating the store with recycled material, designing the apparel with recycled material, and devoting the business to the education of the recycle art. She calls herself a "recycle freak".

Recycled store

I feel like walking on the clouds and among angels once I entered that beaded door of Mu'umu'u Heaven (MH). Everything is whited out except for vibrant colored dresses and accessories. Everything in the store is recycled, the MH team proudly told me.

The rack attached to the wall is made from some thrown-away metal bar. The decor behind the counter is made by old albums, which gives a modern look with the repeated round disk shapes. Even the PR kit is made with recycled paper and old album cover.

The gree shop idea is catching on among retailers, such as Timberland's NYC store. But MH does it beautifully with love.

Recycle stuff

Its mainstay dresses are vintage mu'umu'us revamped with a modern look. All designed and sewn in Hawaii. Scraps from the dress-making will be used to make a purse, scraps of which build into buttons, scraps of which again become the pedals of a wired flower, made by children with autism in the community. There I feel their love again.

When I visited the store, I saw a couple of customers so thrilled by the regal recycled dresses that they twirl in front of the big fitting mirror for a good few circles. The sales team at MH is super enthusiastic about what they are doing. A Japanese-speaking sales associate even came to the store in her free time, just to be there and relax. Unimagineable.

Jewelry collections by local artists are made from old jewelry pieces. When putting together from a wide range of old jewelries, the new pieces gains an ecclectic and mysterious look, because in those old beads and gems are memories and stories from the past.

Recycled bag and it's free

At the end of shopping, you will receive a complimentary shopping bag with recycled fabrics in vivid colors. No other retailer is doing that as far as I know. A free recycled reusable shopping bag is a statement about Mu'umu'u Heaven's commitment to the recycle art.

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